Educational Silos and Pedagogies

Have you ever noticed how educational practices exist in silos? 

Each silo has specific beliefs, values, and practices. Our beliefs---once entrenched in tradition ---impact how open we are to the possibilities of other ways of working with children. Some argue that conformity of ideas is a requirement for teaching sustainability, while others state that diversity enhances pedagogical work. 

What are the implications of pedagogical cross-pollination? 

Pedagogical Fidelity

Pedagogical practices need to stay true to their origins. The importance of pedagogy is in its theory and structure. To incorporate elements of other beliefs, values, and practices fundamentally alters the intention of the pedagogy and impacts the values. Once pedagogy has veered from its theoretical framework, then it is fundamentally changed. 

Pedagogical Diversity

Pedagogical theories developed as living systems. They changed and expanded over their founder’s lifetime. Pedagogies should not freeze in time; instead, they should continue to evolve as part of the natural evolution of research and practice. To grow and expand pedagogical frameworks is to be responsive to shifts of knowledge and culture.

Pedagogical Cross-pollination

Cross-pollination occurs in pedagogies. If you use child-size furniture, then Montessori influences your choice. Provocation, they are inspired by Reggio Emilia. All pedagogies carry elements of other practices. The benefit of cross-pollination is the strength in clarifying or questioning your current thinking. Understanding a variety of pedagogies supports reflective practice in your own beliefs, values, and practices.

For myself, as a social-constructivist and Reggio-inspired educator, I am inspired and learn from a variety of learner-center pedagogies---Montessori, Lifeways, and Waldorf---which all stretch my thinking and reinforce my practice with a deep appreciation for all the ways children learn.

What are your thoughts on pedagogical cross-pollination?