I'm a Believer


My work with children started over twenty years ago. Before my first job at a community park, I had many different careers. The jobs were all interesting and rewarding, but I had a dream in mind, and I was about to make it happen.

Growing up in California, I enjoyed my childhood. I filled my time going to school and playing outside with friends. My parents were busy working, so I was on my own to choreograph my day before and after school. I learned by doing and made plenty of mistakes, but I was having fun and felt like I was on a great adventure. 

Our city provided a free school-age program. On occasion, I would stop by and see what activities were going on. I would play sports and group games, make crafts, and play Ping-Pong. It was fun and free; I could come and go as I pleased, which was great for a school-age child whose parents were at work.

One of the educators in the program took an interest in me. They shared friendly and helpful advice as I worked through some challenges in school. To this day, I remember his presence in my life. He was kind, friendly, and always smiling. This educator guided us in social skills as we navigated our challenges in life. No matter what happened, this educator did not judge. He talked to us and gave us choices to learn. This educator believed in children.

A believer in children is an advocate. An advocate in Webster's is "a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, one who pleads the case of another." A believer in education is someone who empowers children, gives children gentle advice, and is a good listener. A believer lets the children know they have someone who sees the positive in them and is there for children under any circumstance. 

In practice, to be an effective advocate, we need to know the children well. One of the best ways to understand and support children is through observation. As we observe children in play, we see the real person inside. Observation is the tool educators can use to get to know the true heart of the child. Observation can reveal how to support the child. It can show us how a loving, caring learning community supports the child. Observation is the tool my believer often used to guide us in our school-age program.

I worked in other jobs for thirteen years, but I kept thinking about my dream. Is there a career where I can work with young people? I want to be a positive force in a child's life, like an educator who did it for me. I found out there was, and here I am twenty years later, still giving back on the gift I received as a young child. 

I work with children to support the learning community. I want to be the ear that listens in a world full of rules. I want to be an example to younger people that being outside is fun and adventurous. I want to promote play as an essential part of life, not an afterthought. I want to help families be successful by being available when they need care and support. I want to support other educators by sharing stories from years in the field. I do this for the person who helped me because I am an educator who believes in children.

What motivated you to begin your work with children?