The Ant


Two children found an abandoned apple slice on the ground during snack time. On the apple, they discovered one ant. The children picked up the apple slice and examined the ant's movements. Other children wondered why two children were staring at an apple slice and inquired why this was so? Eyes widened as the other children discovered the tiny creature moving along the sweet surface. 

The investigation of the apple and the ant lasted for several minutes. There was a discussion about what to do with the ant. Squish it! Take it outside? How did the ant get here in the first place? Why was this ant all alone? Don't ants travel in packs? The children shared many questions and opinions but disagreed on a plan of action.

Discoveries are happening in the smallest ways during our time together. The children are always on the lookout for something new to explore. Each unique experience invites further questions to explore. 

What is the importance of one ant on an apple?

The story is a wonderful example of the children's learning process. When they arrived at school, the children did not know that an apple slice would be lying on the floor with an ant crawling on it. They discovered something interesting and wanted to learn more. What adults may see as an insignificant event is an important discovery in a child's world.

Children are curious and want to understand their experiences. In the search for meaning, children ask questions. Why is there an ant on the floor walking on a discarded apple slice? 

Children propose theories, talk with other children, and share ideas in the search for answers. Through conversation and experimentation, their thought process grows, and knowledge advances.

Why is this important to the educator?

As educators, we may interfere with the children's thinking process. We may answer the question or give a direction to move the moment forward and not recognize a moment of discovery is happening. Our role as educators is to be aware of and support moments of discovery. 

We are partners with children in co-constructing knowledge. In this story, our role is to support the discussion by listening and observing. We do not need to worry that an apple slice is on the ground and that the children are picking it up and examining it. If the children invite us to participate in the discussion, we can join in. Otherwise, this is a beautiful moment to observe the learning process in action.

In the end, the apple and the ant made it outside. A large grass field near the playground was the destination for the apple and the ant. What happened next, only nature knows.