

School-age children have a small list of favorite materials. They love creating with paper, cardboard, paint, glue, recycled materials, and tape. On occasion, the children incorporate new materials into their work, but the materials mentioned above are the foundation for children's creative expression. Another favorite material the children often use in their work is clay.

Wikipedia says clay is a compound made up of minerals formed together by the weathering of rocks. Clay is plentiful in much of the world. Humans created items with clay throughout history that helped our species grow and thrive. There is much scientific information about the different types of clay. The purity and composition of clay determine what type it is.

In our program, the children build with easy-to-make materials with a clay-like structure like Playdough and flour dough. The children also create with two types of natural clay (red and gray) and polymer-based clays like Fimo and Sculpy. For some creative work, we use an oil and wax-based clay called Plastilina.

While researching natural clay, I discovered the plastic quality of clay comes from the water content of the material. We often add water to our clay to keep it moist or rejuvenate after drying.

What are the qualities that make a clay project memorable?

Why do children like to use clay in their work?

Here are a few attributes clay offers the children in our program.

Open-Ended Material

Like all excellent materials, clay is open-ended. What begins as a blob, rectangle, or ball transforms in the hands of the creator. Clay offers children an inquiry into time, pressure, and perseverance.

Whole Body Experience

Clay offers the builder an opportunity to develop small and large motor functions. Clay satisfies the need to work these functions of the body in harmony. Children develop motor function and strength at different paces and rates. Working with clay helps strengthen the body's areas under development and tone areas where body development is more advanced.

Great Transition Material  

In school-age care, some children do not visit the creative space of the classroom. Does this mean the children are not creative? Of course not, they are creative, but they choose to express their creativity using non-traditional mediums. Clay is the one material that is a universal favorite with all children. Clay draws in children who usually decide to do something else instead of engaging in the arts.

Engages All the Senses

Clay is a sensory material that invites direct contact with the user. Clay responds to environmental conditions very well and offers a different sensory experience when it is wet, dry, warm, and cold. Clay responds to human touch, has excellent malleability, and invites the user to explore the possibilities contained within.

Shapes of Exploration

Clay shapes and molds into an infinite number of designs. Clay invites children to work in three dimensions and explore what they can become. Clay is an excellent tool for exploration because it changes quickly, and the user decides when it becomes permanent.

These are a few of the attributes clay offers children in our program. The versatility of the material makes clay adaptable to most program needs. Clay is a material filled with possibilities and potential.

How is clay utilized in your program?

How has clay benefited the children in your learning community?