The Greatest of Them All


One material in school-age care has stood the test of time. There are many excellent materials, but one material is the greatest because of its versatility, cost, and availability. This material originates from different types of paper. It features a liner made of long fibers from softwood trees. The center of this material is a flute made from short fibers of hardwood trees to give it strength. A liner and the flute connect using cornstarch glue to make this material. People press the flute, liner, and glue sandwich together with high heat and steam in the factory, creating a beautiful material. The official name "Corrugated Fiberboard" sounds funny to me. Most people call it by its generic name cardboard.

Cardboard is not only my favorite material but the all-time favorite material of children in school-age care. Looking back on a long career, I remember hundreds of projects and great work the children created with this corrugated wonder. Wanting to know more about my favorite material, I searched for the origins of cardboard. 

Cardboard first appeared in 1817 in Germany and England as paperboard. In 1817, paperboard was a popular way to protect hats and fragile objects. The material from 1817 is like the paperboard we see today in cereal boxes and product packaging. In 1871, the United States issued the first patent for corrugated boxboard in New York City. In 1874, a machine that created boxboard started production. In 1895, corrugated boxboard developed into the material we know today. 

My history with cardboard goes back to the start of my career as an educator. I worked in a school-age program with creative educators who enlightened me about a plentiful magical material we could use to create anything. As educators, we collaborated with the children and fashioned cardboard into a pirate ship, replicas of buildings, and backgrounds for plays. We also created wall installations, body armor, swords, lightsabers, boats, tiny homes, and clubhouses. The exploration of cardboard and the possibilities it offers the children to create are endless.

We use cardboard as a substitute canvas in our program with excellent results. I remember one painting with a special connection to the children. A dog the children loved visited our program on occasion. Our furry friend would play with the children and be available for comfort and friendship. This dog was an inspiration for children. One day, an educator created a life-size painting of the dog to honor and remember her when she was not visiting. We collected a giant piece of cardboard and invited our furry friend to lie on her side. Then we traced the dog with a pencil. After tracing was complete, the children used photographs as a guide to paint a cardboard likeness of our furry friend. The result was a life-size representation of our friend that we displayed in the program for all to enjoy. 

Another beautiful aspect of cardboard is the wide variety of sizes. We acquired large refrigerator boxes one summer, and the children enjoyed building clubhouses. Teams of children worked together to create their own unique outdoor living spaces to play in, hang out with friends and make their own. I remember the eagerness and joy the children displayed in this work.

What creates the connection children have to a cardboard box?

In the article "Here's why young children often prefer wrapping paper and boxes to actual presents," author Julie Brierley talks about the psychology of wrapping paper, boxes, and children. She shares, "At a very early age, children use play to drive their learning. And when young children are allowed and actively encouraged to explore and follow their interests, they develop understanding from their actions." She continues, "So, when children explore and experiment with objects such as boxes, paper, and ribbons, they are using both their sensory and physical to extend their thinking." A few paragraphs later, she states, "Through the sensory and physical exploration of the discarded boxes and Christmas wrapping paper, the foundations of learning and cognitive development are occurring." As educators, we observe this behavior as we work with the children and recycled materials. 

Educators often ask one question about cardboard and recycled materials: how do we acquire them? I enjoy the process of collecting materials because it helps to build our learning community: the cardboard and recycled materials we obtain come from the families in our program. I also bring in materials from home, but this makes up a small fraction of the materials we use. Families in our program can impact our work by saving and dropping off materials. Parents give cardboard to our school and then see these materials transformed by the children.

Children love to create with cardboard and recycled materials. The amount of creativity and concentration the children display when creating with cardboard continues to amaze me. When the material appears to have reached the limit of creative license, the children invent a new way to explore the possibilities of this wonderful material.

Do you use cardboard in your program?

How are recycled materials and loose parts integrated into your program?