Maker Spaces


At a recent professional development conference, maker spaces were a hot topic. As I read more about maker spaces, the design and purpose sounded familiar. In school-age care, we invite children to invent and create in a similar type of space. We call it a studio.

Maker spaces are where children and educators collaborate, create, and learn. In maker spaces, children learn building principles through direct experience with materials. Maker spaces invite hands-on learning and problem solving that boost thinking skills and self-confidence. In a maker space, children direct the work with support from an educator. 

Maker spaces exist in many different forms. Schools and public libraries have maker spaces that are often tech-based and feature computers and 3D printers for children to create. Maker spaces are a byproduct of the increased interest in science education and the dwindling cost of technology. 

The ethos of the maker movement aligns well with constructivist practices. Children in maker spaces create something from available materials. They experiment, construct, and iterate, and the work becomes a vehicle for learning. In the absence of technology, what type of studio spaces can we offer to children that inspire creativity, exploration, and experimentation. I have collaborated with colleagues to create different types of maker spaces the children have enjoyed in their creative pursuits. Here are a few examples.

Recycled Materials – This is an all-time favorite maker space for school-age children. This space can include everything from cardboard to bottle caps. All the materials we use in our recycled materials space come from donations by parents and other educators. The only purchased materials we added to the maker space were hot glue guns and tape.

Sewing – A maker space where children can imagine and create costumes, clothing, and practical crafts. Sewing is a beautiful addition to a program of making. In the beginning, we started with donated fabric, thread, and hand needles. As the children became more interested in sewing, we added a sewing machine to the space. The children used the sewing machine to create elaborate costumes and clothing for dramatic play.

Clay – Clay is a material that most children enjoy creating and is easy to find. We purchased recycled clay in blocks made of leftovers from artists or larger studios. The children used clay to experiment with model making and to express ideas. The children’s work in clay takes many different forms. Clay is versatile and reusable, making iteration and problem-solving attainable. 

Paper – This is another plentiful, affordable creative resource that children enjoy. Paper comes in a large variety of shapes, colors, and textures. Paper has limitless possibilities. Another bonus of having a paper studio is making paper. We use the leftovers from earlier paper creations to make new paper. Papermaking is a scientific process that children enjoy exploring. The paper in our maker space comes from donations. The only materials we added to the area were tape, glue, and staples. We also added some measuring and writing materials.

Take Apart Zone – An extension of maker spaces is a tinkering studio. Children take apart donated electronics and simple machines in a tinkering studio to see how they work. The area contains a few simple hand tools like screwdrivers and wrenches. The children use parts from deconstruction to invent and construct new machines. The children also test theories about how things work.

Wood – In our outdoor classroom, we have a wood maker space. We collect scrap wood from lumber yards, construction sites, and donations from parents. The wood maker space has saws, hammers, and nails for the children to imagine and create. The wood maker space is where children learn how to use tools and learn about the properties of natural products.

Outdoor Classroom – The outdoor classroom is an extension of the wood maker space. We use only materials found in nature like rocks, sticks, leaves, twigs, tree stumps, and other natural materials in this space. We combine the raw materials with simple tools like twine and string. The outdoor classroom invites the children to create in connection with nature. In the outdoor classroom, children build forts and simple machines. Other children used natural materials to create artistic expressions.

These are a few examples of studios we have created based on the children’s interests. A few other indoor examples include photography and computer graphics studios. We created gardening, chemistry, mud kitchen, writing, and painting spaces outside. We had to save our pennies for many years to make all our studios come to life. 

What type of maker spaces do you have in your program?

What materials are the most popular with the children in your program?