The Possibilities of Our Practice


As educators, we find inspiration from different theories and ideas of unique teaching practices. We connect with inspirational words about teaching philosophy and enjoy the look of engaging classroom environments. As we learn about our favorite educational philosophies, we desire to incorporate new ideas into our work with children.

We may forget that other schools and philosophies of practice are only a guidepost in our enthusiasm for finding new ideas. What we read and enjoy about other classroom practices is the culmination of a long learning journey.

The images and words we connect to represent theories of practice that evolved and relate to the context of the people, time, and place where they originate. We are embracing the ideas that the philosophy proposes because their values align with our values about children. Their values are what we wish to practice in our work with children. Our recognition of the ideals of a specific educational philosophy invites us to embark on a journey. 

To embrace and put a new philosophy into our practice requires us to adopt new ways of working. We need to embrace uncertainty and flexibility to engage in reflective practice. Exploring the possibilities of our work with children is challenging. To invite change authentically invites the danger of not being perfect. We need to accept making mistakes along the way.

Our school environment is an ever-changing landscape from year to year. We incorporate new families and children into our classrooms. We do this while shaping a classroom culture that represents our beliefs about children and includes the views of the people involved in our learning community.

Defining our learning community is the journey we accept as practitioners. Our work begins in one place and continues on a journey of discovery. We explore different ideas until we arrive at a place where a blend of concepts embodies our school and teaching philosophy.

As time moves forward, we document and reflect on our work with children and continue the cycle of exploring the possibilities of our practice. Our work and beliefs do not represent a destination. They represent a learning journey to becoming better as people and educators as we serve our community.