Our Path in Life

In life, it is essential to be optimistic about the circumstances where we find ourselves. Being optimistic does not mean we are always happy about the events we encounter. It means we take time to look at how each circumstance teaches us. There are two questions to consider when examining a challenge in life.

What is the lesson I can learn from this experience?

How can I move forward from this moment in time?

Often, we encounter a challenge and think, what would others do? It is a common practice to consider the actions of others. There is good advice out there, but in the end, we must follow our path. Sometimes the path we choose is not part of conventional thinking. When we choose a direction different from traditional thinking, some people may see this as a rebellious act. Choosing your path is a positive choice, forward-thinking, and supports the greater good. By choosing an approach that fits your life’s purpose, you foster a positive outcome for all.

Choosing our path is the full expression of our life’s purpose.

We must adapt to change to express our life’s path in work where we can become attracted to staying in the same place and doing the same things. If we listen, our inner voice tells us what changes to accept and which to reject. Listening to our inner voice empowers the work of our life’s purpose.

We may feel empty when we choose not to follow our inner voice or life’s path. Try to ignore the urge to follow others and follow your inner voice. Following our path may feel selfish, but our inner voice is our true self and the part of us that contributes to the good of others. Being true to ourselves is being true to others. We collaborate best when we bring our authentic selves to the collaboration. Don’t be like others. Be yourself, support, and learn from others, and the possibilities in life will grow.