Our Words, Thoughts and Actions

As an educator, we experience one of the most fantastic opportunities in life, an opportunity to be in the lives of children and influence their daily lives. Each day, we have a choice to represent light in their life or a hindrance to their growth. Many days in the classroom, it is glorious being an educator. We say and practice the right things. Other days, we let the influence of outside factors steal the positive energy we could be sharing with the children. When our joyful energy disappears, a tired, lesser version of our best self appears. As educators, we desire to practice what is best for children and offer our lives to pursue the greater good.

When we lose our way, how do we bring back our place of joy? 

Here are a few ideas I remind myself of during the challenging moments in my practice.

Idea 1: Children are still learning their way through life. What they need in an educator is an advocate. The children recognize where they want to go and are open to taking risks. In our school, the children who fight against the status quo get labeled "high-flyers." A child with the desire to take risks does not fit into the conformity of school culture. If we guide children always to conform, they become more apprehensive about risk-taking. The ability to take risks is a gift we can offer children of any age.

Idea 2: Children want an educator to be open and ready to listen. Our minds fill with thoughts and distractions that pull us into the future as adults. Children are different. They are fantastic at living in the moment. Educators must remember to slow down and be present when children come to us with ideas or questions. Slowing down helps our adult brain understand what children are communicating. The more we commit to living in the moment and focusing on the now, the better we understand children. Our ability to follow children as listeners benefit the entire learning community and shows children; we respect them as learners.

Idea 3: As an educator, be open to the possibilities of children's thinking. As we age and become influenced by outside factors in our lives, we lose flexibility in our thinking. We struggle with trusting different ideas from other adults and children. Educators can become fixed in our ways in life and the classroom. Fixed mindsets do not fit well with honoring the child's spirit that is eager to explore and try different things. The spirit of the child has difficulty accepting no, not possible, and not enough time as an answer to their desire to explore. Limitations make no sense to a child's open mind that is eager to soak in all the world has to offer.

Idea 4: Be careful of the challenges and pressures outside forces place on our work with children. Parents and school administrations want to influence the way we enact our practice. Educators need to stay focused on the mission in our classroom community. Moving forward on our mission is the key to keeping our joy and light in children's lives. Once educators let others in our community decide our mission, we have given away the best version of ourselves, the person who is a partner in children's growth and learning.

Idea 5: One important aspect of a joyful classroom is building community between children and educators. There are many children with unique ways of thinking in each classroom. For individual children, being different is sometimes a negative experience. Often children encounter challenges with peers while learning to socialize. Socializing is a part of learning, and like any other skill, it takes practice to master. Socializing is a part of the growth process in a learning community. Social challenges result from the community not providing enough resources for each child to be successful. As a childcare community, we can accept all differences and enlist the community as a resource in loving all members as they grow and learn. Belonging is one of the greatest gifts we can give children.

When we align our words, thoughts, and actions, we will grow our best selves, and the light of our joy will increase. Our light will illuminate the children around us. We will feed the light in them and nurture their essential humanness. Every day is an opportunity to share this gift. Shine your light.