Remember To Breathe

It is the beginning of the year, and no matter how much I plan, I always begin to feel frantic in the middle of the year. My "to-do" list grows, and my inbox is always full. I try going to bed later and getting up earlier, hoping that I can get everything done. I think about what sacrifices I can make to complete all my work. Then I realized I couldn't finish everything, and not everyone will be pleased, including myself.

So, I breathe. I take a deep breath, counting in and out for the same number of seconds, relax my shoulders, and let my head and neck soften. I remind myself that sacrificing our well-being never creates any long-term benefit. If I fail to practice self-care, if I don't hold onto and respect my boundaries, then I am the one who suffers the consequences.

In early childhood education, we become socialized to believe self-sacrifice is the ultimate test of worthiness. To be "good" educators, we must sacrifice all our time and energy. The unspoken message is that we don't care enough if we do not give everything to our practice. But that is not true. Healthy relationships in the classroom are about having the reserve to be fully present, which is valid for any position we practice in early childhood education settings. If we are not emotionally healthy, feeling rested, balanced, with good peace of mind, we are not bringing our best selves to our practice.

To attain balance, educators need to take time for wellness and have boundaries as the foundation of their professional practice. We must ensure that we are healthy and create limits on what we can accomplish in a day. We send a message to parents and colleagues that we see ourselves worthy of taking care of our well-being. Others respect us only as much as we respect ourselves. Our actions demonstrate professionalism, and professional educators' essential foundation is preserving self.

I write this post to remind myself that I can only do so much. If I want balance in my life, then I must make it. As my friend says, "No one is going to come and give you permission to take care of yourself; that has to come from within." It is a good reminder this time of year. So, I will sign off, walk around the block, and read a good book. I will even take some time just to breathe.

What responsibilities influence your well-being practice?