Jumping Rope

Joy in life comes from simple pleasures, like listening to our favorite song, being outside on a beautiful day, and gathering with family and friends. The possibilities of an experience connect to the complexity of the environment. The ability to fully absorb the moment changes when a space or experience contains endless sensory inputs. In the classroom, simple open-ended materials invite children to explore possibilities, experience the moment fully, and connect with others.

On the playground, we invited the children to explore jumping rope. We started our play by spinning the rope in a circle low to the ground and inviting the children to jump over it. At first, two children decided to play the game. A few minutes later, more children joined the fun.

After ten minutes of spinning the rope, other children joined us and asked if “we could jump rope?” One teacher and a child started turning the rope as the children jumped alone, in pairs, and as a group. All the children counted how many times each participant jumped over the rope and chuckled each time the rope became tangled in someone’s feet.

Noticing the fun, another teacher joined our group and helped spin the rope. Children and teachers worked together to keep the rope spinning and the group jumping.

After thirty minutes, the children suggested new rope games. Continuing play, we moved the rope up and down like a snake for the children to jump over. Next, we slithered the rope on the ground, creating hot lava to jump over. We laughed together each time someone landed on the rope and fell into the hot lava. Soon a line formed so children could take turns trying the different rope games.

The group jumped rope for over an hour when someone suggested we play limbo. Next, two teachers stretched the rope as children twisted their bodies to climb under it. As the game continued, the children adapted their play so everyone could enjoy curling their bodies under the rope.

The limbo game ended as the sun disappeared from the sky. The group jumped for a few more minutes before cleaning up the playground to go inside. A simple jump rope brought us together to enjoy the company of friends while strengthening the bonds in our learning community.